The Message and Mission of Jesus

Published on October 31, 2020 9:35:00 AM - Recorded by Robert Chambers

This series of podcasts provides an inspiring and insightful spiritual study of the Biblical account focusing on the deep and abiding relationship God has with humankind and how He gave so much in His Son in order for us to be with Him forever - without sin, and for eternity.

Because each podcast builds upon the material presented in prior podcasts, it is best to listen to them in sequential order starting with Lesson 1 and going through Lesson 10.

The introduction defines the scope of this study and summarizes the content of each of the following 10 podcasts. Topics are developed from scratch starting from the creation and proceeding through the cross to the establishment of the Church.
The nature and attributes of God and His extraordinary relationship with humankind are established by examining what took place in the Creation.
Having revealed Himself through the creation and through the Prophets in many ways over the course of time, in the Christian era, God has spoken through His Son, Jesus. That message has been preserved in the Bible, our sole source of spiritual authority and truth.
In this overview of the Bible, the organization and classification of books in the Old and New Testaments are discussed. A brief summary of key events and characters from the Patriarchal, Mosaic, and Christian dispensations is presented.
Sin is defined, and its physical and spiritual consequences are examined. The problem of sin is shown to arise from the inability of a holy God to maintain fellowship with sinners. The concepts of Hell and Heaven are explained along with what it means to be “lost” or “saved”.
The one and only solution to the problem of sin comes through the ultimate expression of God's love. Jesus, the Son of God, offered Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity to satisfy the justice of a holy God.
Being the Saviour of humanity, Jesus defined the process for how to claim his sacrifice as the offering for our sins. This Plan of Salvation was revealed through His teaching ministry and the Great Commission - His parting words to the Apostles.
What the inspired Apostles did and taught gives additional confirmation of the exact steps in God's Plan of Salvation. This is established through a study of the conversion accounts in the book of Acts and the Bible teachings found in the Epistles.
The essence of a saving belief goes far beyond a simple acknowledgement of fact. It involves a commitment and level of trust that leads to what the Bible calls the obedience of faith. The attributes of a saving belief are discussed.
The Biblical definition of New Testament water baptisms is established by examining the meaning of the Greek word used in the original inspired manuscripts. Its purpose and role in salvation are defined by examining the conversion accounts in the book of Acts and the inspired teaching found in other New Testament Scriptures.
After laying claim to Jesus as the sacrifice for sins, the forgiven sinner becomes a Christian and is added by Jesus to the body of Christ, His Church. As a babe in Christ, the new convert is expected to grow spiritually becoming more Christ-like by studying the Bible, sharing the Gospel with the lost, and continuing to walk in the light.